
Sunday, 9 October 2016

Fun Thursday

 On Thursday my family and I woke up and started cleaning the house. After we finish cleaning we all went into the sitting room and said the prayer. Later on we all went into the kitchen and ate breakfast, for breakfast we had Coco Rice. While we were cleaning my aunty mum came over to pick up her daughter, sister and I up. We had a little talk then my Great aunty(Maryann), aunty(Taumaia), sister(Tauola) and I went to my Aunty's house.

When we got there, we went outside and played with the little kids across the road. Maryann went to count down and brought some food. While she was there we played rippa rugby for an hour with the neighbors, it was fun but then they had to go. Then the other neighbor came out and played touch for an hour too. Later on we played kicks.

After we went inside and ate some food, after we ate we went to go and pick up my uncle(Johnny). When we there we said hi to the family that was with Johnny. We first played hide and seek outside in the dark. Then we played touch again. We went inside and played hide and seek again in the dark. Then we had to go, while we were driving back home we went to Mac Donald's. Finally we went home.

                                Image result for mcdonald                                Image result for mcdonald                                                            Image result for touch the word

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